Wednesday, July 28, 2010


It's 10:55AM right now and I'm sitting outside waiting for the Davis-Berkeley shuttle to start letting people in so I'm not freezing in Cal weather. But it's 30 minutes before the shuttle is due to leave and the bus driver is ignoring all requests to let us in. So I figured I would jot down a blog entry while I'm waiting.

Oh, he just got out. I guess that was somewhat anticlimatic. But I'll still write down the entry. I can wait outside.

I've been shopping too much. It's becoming a bad habit. It's not even all clothes or anything, it's just me randomly spending money on things I probably don't need, but want. But you guys probably don't wanna hear about my money issues.

I recently bought a scarf from Forever 21 that I'm wearing right now. In fact, I think I bought it yesterday. It's a pretty white scarf that I've been wanting for a while. I try to avoid white clothing because I am a klutz. A serious klutz. I'm always falling over or toppling over things, it's amazing that I've never broken any bones. I do wake up with occasional scratches and bruises though.

Anyways, back to the scarf. (I ramble too much..) It's a nice lightweight scarf. It's not something that would keep me warm in the winter, but it's a nice piece for fall. It's also a nice piece for spring, but spring has passed and I'm not about to wait for next year before I can wear things.

It's scrunched up on one of the edges so that the scarf falls down into a point instead flat across. It's a nice effect and really works with the dainty look of the scarf.

The bad thing is, I already snagged it. T_T I was taking out my sunglasses and it pulled on fabric and made this little hole. :( Definitely not very durable. But I got it for 8 bucks so I'm not gonna complain. Love the look of it.

Anyways, people are starting to board, so I'll end this here.

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